Vessel Oracle Deck

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Introducing the vibrant and playful Vessel Oracle Deck - featuring 35 cards and a guidebook with descriptions for each card. Inspired by the concept of the heart as a vessel, these cards embody our innermost emotions and invite us to acknowledge them. With relatable themes like love, healing, light, and communication, this deck can be used on its own or alongside tarot for a quick one or three-card reading. The perfect companion to the Spirit Speak deck!

  • Self-published
  • 35 Cards measure approximately 3" x 4.25"
  • Pamphlet included with card meanings.
  • Sturdy flip box with magnetic closure

Mary Evans

Mary Evans is an artist and intuitive who’s work focuses on communications with the spirit realm. With a focus on craft and D.I.Y practices, she explores ideas of consciousness and spirituality through interdisciplinary practice. Most known for her work in modern new age, Evans has self published six tarot and oracle card decks under the moniker Spirit Speak. These works have recently been acknowledged by The Whitney Museum, Vogue Magazine, and Oprah Magazine.

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