Dreams of Gaia Tarot

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Dreams of Gaia Tarot was created to help you as you seek, feel, grow, and heal. This deck strengthens your connection to your divine self, while helping you to identify and heal past experiences that hold you back from living to your fullest potential. This deck assists in developing your confidence and sense of anticipation to face times of growth and change. You’ll learn when to take action, and when to be still. You’ll deepen your trust in your own intuition. Dreams of Gaia offers the familiar tarot structures of a Major and Minor Arcana. By combining them with bold new archetypes, symbology, and contemporary meanings the Dreams of Gaia Tarot allows for a more personal, intimate, and effective system for using cards as a roadmap to navigate your life path. Embark on this extraordinary journey of being and becoming, and be inspired by the knowledge that all that manifests in your future is born of choices you make today. Includes 81 and 308-page book.
  • Size Card Size 3.35" x 5",
  • Box Size 5.5" x 7.28"
  • Language EN Author

Ravynne Phelan

As a professional illustrator, Ravynne - under the name of Michele-lee Phelan - has completed the cover artwork and internal illustrations for many publications, inlcluding the 'Oracle Of The Dragonfae' by Lucy Cavendish and 'Mythic Oracle' with Carisa Mellado (both from Blue Angel Publishing). Her book, the stunning 'Dreams of Magic' was her first solo publication and an expression of her blossoming creativity and love for the Divine.

In 2011, Michele-lee became Ravynne to celebrate and honour the magical path she has walked in service to Gaia and Great Spirit, and to mark the end of her battle with depression. At the time she believed her hurts to have been healed as she moved forward with lighter step and joy in her heart.

The Messenger Oracle was the second manifestation of her dreams of magic, and was released in 2012. It was not long after its release, that Ravynne fell victim to exhaustion, and was unofficially diagnosed with Bipolar II. The hypomanic episodes were few and far between, but after lengthy discussions with her doctor it was agreed that a history of manic episodes could be both established and traced back to her mid teens. The original diagnosis of depression was changed to Bipolar II and suddenly, periods upheavel and chaos in a normally routine and ordered life, made a lot more sense.

Ravynne has embraced a very integral form of treatment - a regimen of supplements to combat nutritional deficits, cognitive behaviour therapy, mindfulness, meditation, structured routine, healthy work ethic, diet, and sleep patterns - but, life can throw curveballs on occassion and when she split from her long-time partner in 2015, the stress of the split, finishing the Dreams of Gaia Tarot and several other projects resulted in another minor episode in early 2016, confirming the diagnosis of Bipolar. At this time, Ravynne is looking after herself and recovering well.

In July, 2016, the long awaited Dreams of Gaia Tarot was released, and Ravynne now works on several new projects - a dragon oracle and several colouring in books.

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